Two-Way Radio Rack Mounting

Motorola comes to mind when speaking of Two-Way radios. One of our popular products is a dual radio rack mount that fits several Motorola radio series in a 2U (3.5 inches) rack space. The radio size is 7.00 inches wide by 2.00 inches high and is one of the most used sizes in the Motorola product line. A short list of the 7 x 2 radios are Maxtrac, Radius, GM300, Spectra, Astro Spectra, XTL, M10, M120 and M130 (there must be more).

Check the radio body size of the radio you have and see how close it is to 7 inches wide and 2 inches high. In the case of the XTL, the radio body is 7 x 2 but the control head is larger, the XTL series of radio slide in from the front up to the control head. Recently we found a Kenwood TK 690 / 790 / 890 series is 7 inches wide by 2.25 inches high, so we modified our 7 x 2 production panel to fit these radios. We also make panels for radios that have a totally unique shape (like the CDM series), we make and stock both a single and dual rack mount for them.

Be sure to let us know your interest. There may be other radios out there that we have not run across, just waiting for someone to offer a rack mount.

We recently produced an interesting rack mount. Our customer had a 100 Watt Motorola mobile radio that needed to be rack mounted along with a power supply. The Astron SS-30 or SS-25 supply is just the right height to mount on top of the rack tray and still be only 2U (3.5 inches) high. The supply power on/off switch was reachable through the front panel.

Let us know your requirements. We can customize to fit your needs.

NovexComm Newsletter

Random Rack

2 Fan 2 Speaker with LED & PWM Electronic Dimmer


2 Fan 2 Speaker with LED & PWM Electronic Dimmer

Size: 3U

Choose a LED light bar color (white/ red/ blue) runs off of your 12 volts DC
- Buyer specifies which way the fans circulate; both IN, both OUT or one IN one OUT (image shows one IN one OUT if you look carefully at the label)
- Both LED light bar/ dimmer and the fans need your 12 Volts DC or optional AC adaptor pack; ask about it!
- Comes with a user-defined switch; Double Pole Double Throw 125 AC voltage rated; not wired; use for any purpose you need
- 2 speakers, each comes with common 3.5 mm plug

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Rack Mount Your Radios

NovexComm provides low-cost, professional rack mounts for many popular radios, giving operators a source for off-the-shelf, low cost radio rack mount kits.

Why Rack Mount Radios?

Here are just a few reasons given by some of the operators we have heard from
  • Gives my radio room a professional look.
  • Saves space so I can buy more radios and have a place to keep them.
  • Makes it easier to access and use my equipment all in one place.
  • Keeps my gear protected from bumps and scratches.
  • If someone breaks into my house, then they will have a difficult time getting my radios.
  • I finally have all those ugly wires out of sight, looks great.
  • My wife likes the way my shack looks; she even shows her friends my room.


WA5RAY Testimonial:
Thanks Novexcomm for your great products. I was trying to rack mount my radio equipment into my console racks and was failing miserably. Luckily, I ran across your ad and have since successfully rack mounted several units very easily. The chassis design of your system for the larger rigs moves the weight of the actual radio equipment from the front panel and transfers it to the rack through your integrated chassis shelf. This greatly helps installing, removing and working on the gear. It also reduces the rattles that come from the stresses from the weight of the gear that is supported entirely from the single panel itself. Very COOL indeed! Thanks again for being there for a guy in need.

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